
Marsh Harrier

© C. L Hillman 2021


The Marsh Harrier floats high over the flat landscape of the fens looking for prey. Carried on the thermals and air currents, appearing to avoid the constant routine of the ground feeders. Relaxed and calmly watching the activity below. But all the time ready to pounce on some unsuspecting creature.

Being convicted of murder doesn’t mean you are a murderer. Being found with a dead body doesn’t mean you repeated the offence. But when he woke to find himself covered in blood and a knife in his employer’s back, Gerald Halliday knew his only option was to run.




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Quintessential © 

C. L. Hillman 2019

When a criminal psychotherapist, Steve Bailey receives an anonymous letter, written in code, she passes it off as the ramblings of one of her clients. But when she visits a schoolfriend, Sheila, in hospital, after a serious road accident, and hears that she has received the same note, she is forced to look again at her schooldays, and in particular, one incident.
Therefore, she contacts a friend from university, who is now a detective. When she tells him what has happened, he passes her theories off as fantasy, boarding on hysteria. However, when they hear that Sheila has been murdered, they are both forced to take the link seriously.
This novel looks at the nature of forgiveness, retribution, and the consequences of reinvention. Is it possible to shed an outer skin, like a snake, and divorce yourself from your past? Or is our personality forged by our history and ingrained, like the lettering in a stick of rock?

Decree Absolute

 C. L. Hillman 2019

When Patricia Harding found one of her friends dead, she had no idea how it would change her life.

Back Stabber

Chris Hillman 2024


You can push someone so far, but if they’ve found a way out of your clutches, don’t turn your back on them.